Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode: Now Available In Print


The print-on-demand version of Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode is being sold at cost – you only pay for printing and shipping.


Welcome to the Time of the Red, Choomba! The Megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and in the aftermath of their last War, everyone has to fend for themselves.


But that’s just fine. You can handle it. After all, in a world of vicious boostergangs, rampaging cyborgs, corporate assassins, and nihilistic doomsday cults, there’s only one rule: Always take it to the Edge.


Take the big risks, get the big rewards. Be the action, start the rebellion, light the fire. Never drive slow when you can blaze a trail.


You’ve hooked your Militech pistol to the interface in your brain; upgraded your cybernetic fist with carbo-glas blades; and installed cybereyes that can pierce through the red haze like morning fog. There’s a world full of opportunities out there, just waiting for the right Edgerunner. Maybe that’s you.


Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode is a quick introduction to the classic tabletop roleplaying game of the Dark Future and encompasses everything you need to explore the post-War world of the Time of the Red, including:



A dive into the history and geography of Night City and the greater Cyberpunk world.

The basic rules for the game, set up to help you learn them and get playing right away.

Five unique Characters for you to play: a charismatic Rockerboy, a lethal Solo, an inventive Tech, a lifesaving Medtech, and a hard-hitting Media.

A new introductory mission: Getting Paid. Because that briefcase full of Eurobucks is the difference between making rent and living on the street in the Time of the Red.


Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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The content here is quite simply something in the world of TTRPG that caught our geeky eye and so we wanted to share with the community. If you love it, well, fab. If you don’t, well that’s your prerogative too…..
