In the 5DNEWS this week Stuart & Zack discuss the the dropping of the release date and brand new image for The Lord Of The Rings TV series, with the picture naturally setting off a plethora (yes I do know what that words means) of debate and theories around the internet. In addition there’s an update on the preparations from SpaceX in testing their Starship for an upcoming orbital run. Zack also has some Elon Musk related news, more on his Fast and Furious obsession and also some nonsense controversy regarding the audience rating for the UK release of James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. If all that wasn’t enough there’s chat about the final days of the Tokyo2020 Olympic Games and a brief look ahead to the start of the new football season……. We are Leeds!
This week the main review section looks at some of our favourite fan made made films, including an excellent Star Wars fan film and yes, there may also be a Fast and Furious one too.
The Star Wars fan film in question, Forsaken Mandalorian & The Drunken Jedi Master, featured here on the 5D website earlier this week when the video, in all its 9 minute + glory finally dropped on the Create Sci-fi YouTube channel. You can also see this excellent movie RIGHT HERE on the 5D website.

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