RuneQuest: The Glorantha Sourcebook is an introductory guide to the mythical world of Bronze Age fantasy created by legendary game designer Greg Stafford. It is every RuneQuest player’s stepping stone into legend—a journey that continues with the Guide to Glorantha, and ends in your imagination.
This edition contains revised, updated, and expanded content drawn from a variety of long out-of-print and rare sources. Alongside an updated internal design to bring RuneQuest:The Glorantha Sourcebook in line with modern RuneQuest titles, it also has a brand new cover by stellar artist LoÏc Muzy. This edition also includes updated genealogy tables, some new art, and new maps.
RuneQuest: The Glorantha Sourcebook details Glorantha, the signature setting for RuneQuest. This book is a supplement without rules or a game system This allows you to apply the setting of Glorantha to any game system of your choice, or delve into one of the most richly imagined fantasy worlds ever created.

Alongside the revised and updated foundational material, you will find new essays, insights, and extrapolations on the world and its incredible denizens.
RuneQuest: The Glorantha Sourcebook – 2nd Edition is available here at DriveThruRPG

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The content here is quite simply something in the world of TTRPG that caught our geeky eye and so we wanted to share with the community. If you love it, well, fab. If you don’t, well that’s your prerogative too…..