Type SA Solomani Free Trader

The Sundowner-class is a 400-dTon Free Trader. Identified as the Type SA, it carries cargo and passengers between the member-states and solitary worlds of the Solomani Confederation. Immediately identifiable by its flattened disk shape and distinctive front docking 20-dTon launch, the Sundowner is twice the size of Third Imperium free traders. The Type SA is known for its tight security and relatively spacious 160-dTon cargo hold.


Ubiquitous within the Confederation and common within the Imperial occupied regions of the old Solomani Sphere, the type is uncommon or rare elsewhere. Type SA Free Traders travelling in the Third Imperium will find themselves under increased scrutiny from navy and customs patrols. For buyers who can tolerate the added attention, these ships can be found at very reasonable prices on the used ship markets bordering Solomani space.



This book includes:

  • An 18-page description of the base model TL14 Type SA
  • A sample ship with a full crew
  • A sample ship designed for TL12
  • Four variants (6-pages each): Laboratory ship, Yacht, Auxiliary Hospital and Q-Ship
  • Each variant comes with full deckplans and a sample ship
  • The article includes numerous adventure hooks for each ship


Type SA Solomani Free Trader Is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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