[The ‘Pavis Grand Plan’ campaign, developed with the assistance of Greg Stafford.]
**With full-colour interior illustrations by Dario Corallo**
This book continues the unfolding campaign, with three main sections whose contents include …
People of the Zola Fel Valley
* Several articles on the wonderful Newtlings, including full local Adventurer-generation Homeland details
* A big chunk on the awesome Morokanth, including their culture & religions
* An overview of the different areas of the River Valley
* A neat little Smuggling Operation
The Masks of Pavis
* The Seven Masks of Pavis (powerful magic symbols of the old Pavis City Council)
* Full details on Old Pavic Philosophy (carried down from the days of the EWF)
* The Wedding of Pavis is now firmly scheduled (and so are various attempts to delay/sabotage it)
* Old City Heroquests
* The Forgotten Tomb of an original member of the Pavis City Council
* Opportunities to recover not one, not two, but three of the Old City’s magical Masks!
* The chance to discover and finally put an end to the evil of Pavis City’s renegade Magicians
* An invitation for our heroes to join the ancient and illustrious Grey Company

Prax & Beyond
* A campaign-specific overview of the culture and deities of the Praxian Beast Riders
* A campaign-specific overview of the mysterious Praxian Oasis People
* An article on the Desert Trackers, co-authored with Greg Stafford
* The Castle of Boggles on the Plateau of Statues
* Holiday Glorantha: Dwarf Knoll
* ‘Back in the Cradle’ (a creative expansion on the classic Cradle scenario)
Vol. 5 — Land of the Giants (RuneQuest) is available now here at DriveThruRPG
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